We have not been very interesting this week. We are still working on getting the rest of the before and after pictures ready of the house! I guess it is Monday now so I am speaking of this past week. I started my new job. My second nanny job. It is two little girls who are 2 1/2 and 6 months. I start full time next week. The new car has been great. I have not even had to fill it up yet which is amazing!
We did a little shopping this week, had a date night, and had dinner out with Matt and Katie. Matt was one of Tyler’s groomsmen and they live near us so we were excited to finally get to hang out with them!
My big accomplishment for the week was my next craft project! I am making a house divided wreath, Alabama and Tennessee, in case you don’t know our teams. I am the Alabama fan and Tyler is the Tennessee fan. I started this craft by buying a white foam wreath, pieces of felt in the colors of my choice and straight pins. I cut the pieces of felt into little squares (approx. 2.5 by 2.5inches) and then folded them diagonally corner to corner and then again. Then put a straight pin through it leaving one little flap not pinned so it left it looking fluffy and somewhat covered the pin. I proceeded to continue putting these pinned felt squares all over the wreath. I only covered the front not the back because the back won’t really show. So this is my wreath. I have a wooden A and a T which I still need to paint and add on to it. I am pretty pleased by how it turned out!
We have a shorter week this week then it’s off to visit the in-laws and then a few days of lake fun with my family 🙂

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