I apologize for being completely terrible at this blogging thing. It’s been quite awhile and it is now FALL! Growing up I did not care for fall but apparently the 2 week trips to New England that we took every year, instead of going to the beach like everyone else, the apple picking trips, the fall foliage viewing, apple cider drinking, and mountain hiking has rubbed off on me. So congratulations Dad, you got me, I now love fall. I look forward to the trees changing, I dragged my husband to the apple orchard, I drank some apple cider and enjoyed it and I keep saying “Gosh I’d love to go to New England again.” I even said let’s go walk around the battlefield, but that’s about as close to hiking as you will probably get me when it’s my choice. The one thing I don’t like about fall is that winter comes next and I am not looking forward to that.
So anyways since my last post we’ve been up to a lot. First, my bcf (that stands for Best Cousin Forever) Jacob came up to visit from college. That was a lot of fun and I was excited because during my college years I spent almost every weekend with his family so it was nice to be able to feed him some home cooked meals and do his laundry like his mom did for me. We took him down to National Harbor so we could get him a little Northern Virginia culture experience and then we came home and watched football. I think he had a good time. He gave “Casa de Glover” 5 stars and we look forward to his next visit!
Our weeks are not very interesting so I don’t really blog much about them. We both work all day and come home and eat, watch a little tv and crash. I spend at least 2 hours a day in the car commuting so I am looking forward to this week where I will get off early everyday and miss the afternoon rush hour!
Last weekend we engaged in some true fall fun and went and picked our own pumpkins and then apples as well. We came home and had cooked apples (YUM!) which is one of my favorite things mom makes in the fall. I have a wonderful husband who peels the apples for me and this weekend we invested in an apple slicer/corer (best purchase ever!). So we each got a pumpkin and found some apples to pick. Tyler enjoyed his first apple orchard experience and his first caramel apple. We also had some delicious apple cider and enjoyed the beautiful weather! That Saturday evening we enjoyed our visit to PF Changs and went to see Taken 2 which was very good! Don’t mess with Liam Neeson!
This weekend Nathan, Tyler’s brother, came up from Bristol and they had man night and went to a concert. They had a lot of fun! While they were gone I had a girly night and was going to try out some Molten Lava Chocolate Cupcakes, YUM right? Well I ruined that. They were all prepared and ready to go and as I put them in the oven the pan was hot from resting atop the stove. I let go before the pan was all the way in and well you can look at the picture for the result. So my evening turned into an evening of cleaning chocolate from every nook and cranny of my oven. On Saturday we went shopping and nothing very exciting. We checked out a little town which basically was just worth driving through and then we were done with it. But it was a beautiful drive to get there. We had the most delicious dinner last night that I got from a friend who posted it on Facebook. Chicken Pot Pie cupcakes! And no it’s not chicken pot pie mixture in real cupcakes. Tyler was very confused by that at first. I will post the link below! It was soo good! We also made copycat Bob Evans Pumpkin Bread which was also very delicious and fallish. Today we are having a very lazy day. Catching up on blogging, laundry and watching football.
I hope you are all doing well and I will try harder to blog more!

[…] of just meandered through the aisles of Michaels and dreamed up this centerpiece. After doing my fall centerpiece which was a take on some ideas I’d seen on Pintrest I just decided to go to the store and […]