Note: I wrote this awhile ago and I am just now posting it. Pictures will come later!
So I have not blogged in awhile because last week we were in Ohio spending Thanksgiving with my family. It was a wonderful time! My entire immediate family was there along with both sets of grandparents. So it was fun to see everyone.
We started out our trip with a flight scheduled for Wednesday night at 10 pm. I knew it might be a mistake making a flight so late and apparently the airlines knew that too which must be why it was the less expensive option. We arrived at the airport incredibly early expecting crazy lines of people there and were surprised by about 5 people at security. We got to our gate and discovered our flight was delayed until 11:50 p.m. So we had hours to kill at the airport. We bought magazines and discovered there was free wifi so we researched dream vacations. Then all of the sudden our flight was scheduled to leave on time and a plane was there. 10 pm rolled around and we were still sitting in the airport waiting for some kind of news. Turns out we had a plane but no crew. During all of this poor Miles had gone to take a nap so he could come late to get us, then Mom woke him up and then he went back to sleep because we were delayed again. Long story short after much worry and consideration of hopping in the car and just driving we finally boarded the plane at 1 am and arrived in Ohio at 3 am, rode the hour back to the house and finally got to sleep at 4 am. So the rest of Thanksgiving day was a bit of a blur.
We had delicious food for Thanksgiving but personally my favorite food is the day after Thanksgiving. For many years we used to have Thanksmas (Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrated together) with my moms side of the family because we were never all able to get together at Christmas. So Friday was Christmas and that comes with Ham, Macaroni and Cheese, Squash Casserole and Pineapple Casserole. Lots of yellow food but can you say yum?
On Saturday we endured some rough football games (Poor Yellow Jackets) and some wonderful ones ROLL TIDE ROLL and Go Vols! I know it is shocking to see me rejoicing over the win of two SEC teams in one sentence but I must support my husbands team! We were so over the Georgia Tech game that we left to get my parents Christmas tree and got to spend Saturday night decorating it and sitting by the fire sipping on Russian Tea.
Our flight back on Sunday was successful and on time and we got home and came right back into the work life on Monday. Less than 4 weeks until Christmas vacation!!!

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