I always go silent on the weekends but that is because we are doing fun things to blog about ha ha! We have had a very busy weekend. It wasn’t until this afternoon while eating lunch that we sat down and watched tv, that is unusual for us on the weekend.
Friday night we had Olive Garden, did some shopping (check the picture of the cute sign I found) and then headed to church for a session from the Answers in Genesis conference that was being held at our church. It was about geology and Tyler was so excited about it, I went for him but learned some new stuff so it was interesting. That was the beginning of Man Weekend.
Saturday morning Dolly had her first training session. She has some problems with meeting strangers and letting them into our house. We met the trainer outside and walked with her and Dolly immediately smelled all the treats she had on her. Dolly let the trainer come into the house and we learned a lot of good stuff about positive reinforcement and working to desensitize her to situations with meeting strangers. So we are now looking for test subjects to come to our house and let Dolly try out her new skills on you, Aunt Kay I’m looking at you!
After the trainer we headed to the card show. Now if you don’t know Tyler then you don’t know the boy loves his football cards. We have a collection of Robert Meachem cards that I would guess no man can match. Now Robert if you would please become a super star so I can get my Range Rover, that would be great! At the card show we bought tickets to have our picture made with Michael Oher, plays for the Baltimore Ravens and oh you know has a whole movie about him, The Blind Side. I was very excited but we had to wait until Sunday for that. Then we headed to the card store (remember I said this was man weekend). After the card store we headed to Lowe’s to get supplies for our newest project that we just completed and I can’t wait to share it with you guys. It looks so good, I am so excited!
Saturday night we enjoyed a delicious dinner with some friends at Texas Roadhouse. The rolls, YUM! Then we went for some late night grocery shopping.
Sunday, that’s today, we went to church and then rushed over to the card show only to find out that Michael Oher had cancelled. Que sad face :(. So we got our money back and to console ourselves bought some cards. I got two Dwight Howard cards and Tyler got one of someone from Tennessee. We finally got home for lunch after breaking the cardinal rule of going grocery shopping on an empty stomach because we had to grab some stuff for the new recipe I am trying tonight. If it turns out good I will share it this week! This afternoon we did the exciting project that I spoke of and will be sharing with you tomorrow!
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Still a few hours of it left so enjoy it!! We are having beautiful weather here, yay warm weather! My daffodils are finally blooming, so pretty!
Oh and p.s. the most exciting thing about my weekend, they now bottle and sell Olive Garden salad dressing at Wal-Mart!! SAY WHAT? I was so excited! I can’t wait to try it. I hope it’s as good as Olive Garden, the only place I eat salad!

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