We had a productive weekend! We got up Saturday morning and began putting together the new grill I got Tyler for his birthday. It took us a couple hours and it rained a little on us while we were doing it but we got it done! After the grill was done we went out for Tyler’s birthday dinner and ran a couple errands. We had a really early dinner so we were in early so we went by redbox and got the movie Red Dawn. We really enjoyed it!
Sunday we woke up and went to church and then ran some errands to get supplies for our project, which unfortunately isn’t quite blog ready yet but as soon as it is I will be sharing it with you guys! We worked on our project and Tyler worked on seasoning the grill. Once that was done we fired it up and made our first grill meal, hamburgers! Along with them we had roasted red potatoes and canteloupe. It was delicious. We were very excited with the success of our first meal and look forward to many more delicious grilled meals. I will now be on the hunt for good new recipes and will share them with you when I come across them.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday!
Putting together the grill!
Dolly watching!
The grill is done!
Our Saturday night.
Sunday morning snuggling.

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