A year from this date we were ending our rehearsal dinner and it was the night before the wedding. Exciting! Today’s picture is the beginning of the wedding ceremony. I thought it was a fitting picture also because tomorrow is Father’s Day. This picture is my dad walking me down the aisle to Tyler. I am blessed to have such an amazing dad who shows such a wonderful example of what a godly and loving husband is in his relationship with my mom. He’s off being his adventurous self in Europe with my brother right now so shout out to Dad in Europe, Happy Father’s Day!
This is also the first time I had seen Tyler all day and he was standing at the end of the aisle waiting on me. So that was a pretty great moment too. It was a wonderful day!
I hope you all get to hug your dads on Father’s Day and tell them how much they mean to you! I’m excited my dad will be coming to visit us in just a couple of weeks!

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