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Winter is my least favorite season, I do not like cold weather. But with winter, comes some of my favorite holidays, time with family and lots of traveling for us. I always dread getting sick so we are going to try to Stay Healthy this Winter.
Getting sick around the holidays is one thing that I hate. I remember Tyler and I’s first married Christmas we spent the days after Christmas going from my grandma’s to my aunts then to the next aunt’s house. A different bed (or air mattress) every night and then our 12 hour drive home was not so fun. It was even worse because Tyler had a terrible cold and I was catching it. We spent New Years Eve on the couch watching tv and coughing.
This winter I’m hoping to avoid the colds, especially around the holidays when we are traveling. The other day I headed over to Walgreens to pick up some of my favorite Pfizer products to be prepared for the winter season. Right now there are some great coupons on Pfizer products and you can save up to $10 on select products and you know I love saving some money!
While I was at there I picked up some of my favorite products to get ready for winter. Emergen-C is high on our list because anytime we feel a cold coming on we start taking some Emergen-C because I always like to try and fight it off first with an extra dose of vitamin c. Well if that doesn’t work then I turn to my next product which is Advil congestion relief. It’s one of my favorites for when I’m sick and need a little extra medicine.
I also picked up some regular Advil because we just got a new puppy and that is meaning less sleep for me right now and without my sleep I don’t do so well. So for those unfortunate headaches I’ve got my Advil. The last product I picked up that was a great deal with the coupon was some Chapstick. Winter + wind = chapped lips and that can be so painful so I like to have a lot of Chapstick on hand to keep my lips from getting cracked and chapped.
So tell me, what are your winter essentials that you stock up on?

We try to avoid winter sickness at all costs! But I’m a substitute teacher and around kids a lot, so it’s difficult. I need to try Emergen-C !
My mother-in-law swears by Emergen-C but I have never used it! I take vitamin C gummies every day and that has really helped ward off colds over the past year. But man, that advil decongestant is a lifesaver! I love that stuff!
Vitamins and Tylenol. I also try to keep juice in the house, when my kids start to feel icky we hydrate. I think it helps a lot.
This is great because I hate getting colds! It’s never any fun and I never know what to take!
Vitamin C tablets are great! If I get a cold I also eat 2 or 3 grapefruit a day…it is my magic fruit.
great deals! I love the walgreens selection and prices!
I usually just take vitamin c and a multi-vitamin, but I may have to try this out!
It’s never any fun being sick. Three out of four of my kiddos have already gotten a bug, and I’m so glad I didn’t catch it!
Your post just reminded me that I need to stock up on the Vitamin C. Thanks!
We usually load up on vitamin C to fight against colds and lots of local honey for allergies
Yes, I have to second the chapstick! It is my big purchase behind hand sanitizer and tissues. No fun to be sick after visiting loved ones for the holidays. That sounds like a memory you will not soon forget. #client
I really need some vitamin C in my life! Great post!
With 3 kids in 3 different schools, it is so hard for us to avoid the sickies anymore. I even got everyone a flu shot. We have all had a round of respiratory illnesses since October. I think everyone is finally getting well. We’ve been living on Vit C, Advil, and Chapstick. And we probably should have bought stock in a tissues company, lol.
I always stock up for the winter!! It is not fun to be out here on the Ranch with a cold and no relief!
Thanks for sharing!!
It is pretty much a guarantee I get sick from all the traveling and stress involved with the holidays (even if I try to avoid the stress). I like to take Emergen-C in preparation!
Thanks for this tips. This cold weather has been unbearable!! We need to stock up on these Vit C supplements.
It is so hard to stay healthy during the winter especially when we are around so many other people that have colds in doors. Thanks for your staying healthy tips. 🙂
I am already off to a bad start! Sick already. I just picked up some Mucinex but I probably should get some Emergen-C!
These are some great suggestions! It is so important to try to stay on top of health this time of years.
Wish I had some Emergen-C on hand! I suddenly have a cold from out of nowhere 🙁
Knock on wood. I haven’t been sick in a while. I try to keep up on these good habits, so hopefully I won’t get sick!
Tis the season to be prepared! I can’t live without ChapStick! 🙂
It’s heading to the hottest season and time of the year here in the Amazon. But it’s always good to make sure you keep healthy.