Prepare for your big day with these 8 Wedding Registry Essentials!
I remember when I got engaged, it wasn’t that long ago. The wedding planning immediately begins and it’s so fun/stressful. One thing I was really excited about was creating our wedding registry. Tyler owned his own house so he already had some things but it was very much a man cave so we were basically starting from scratch. For those of you who are starting from scratch today I wanted to share 8 Wedding Registry Essentials.
1. Cookware– If you are planning to cook then you need a good set of pots and pans. I decided to go with stainless steel pots and pans and I won’t be going back. I love them and also they look nice hanging on my pot rack, win win.
2. Dishes– I decided to forgo the dying tradition of china because in my house my mom uses the china maybe twice a year. So for me it didn’t feel that important and it’s expensive so I wanted people to buy me stuff I would use rather than a bunch of fancy dishes I’ll use twice a year. Now I will say I have Christmas dishes that are the same as my mom and grandma’s but I’ve been receiving those as Christmas gifts since I got married and I’m happy to have those because they are a family tradition.
3. Sheets– A couple sets of sheets are something you definitely want to register for because sheets are expensive! I’d recommend registering for more than one set so you have that extra set when you wash your sheets or for your guest room.
4. Silverware– You can’t eat every easily without your silverware and your wedding registry is a great time to get a nice set of silverware. It’s also pretty fun to pick out your silverware!
5. Towels– Stock up on those towels so you have enough for guests and for when you get behind on laundry. We got a lot of towels when we got married but we definitely don’t have too many.
6. Kitchen Appliances– Really think about which kitchen appliances you use because I can tell you I only use about half of the ones I got. A few that I couldn’t live without would be my crock pot, toaster and rice cooker. My husband would probably say his coffee maker would be the one he can’t live without. He drinks coffee and I don’t.
7. Comforter– A comforter or duvet set can be so expensive to buy on your own so make sure you register for a good one that you love. In my opinion duvet covers are the most annoying thing. We had a duvet cover for the first year of our marriage until we upgraded to a king size bed. I loved the look but man I hated how the comforter moved around in that thing. We could never get it to stay.
8. Kitchen Essentials– Oven mitts, utensils, kitchen towels and the like. Those little things are important and things you may forget. So make a list of what you like to use and need and register for it!
These are just 8 Wedding Registry Essentials. I would love to hear what you would add to this list? And what did you register for that you never use?

Great list! My fiance and I’ll register in just a couple of months, and I’ve been building my list of musts. It’s nice to hear what people actually use a couple years down the road.
I’m happy you enjoyed it! Congratulations to you and good luck with your wedding planning!