My contributor Rebecca is sharing How to Avoid Burnout with Your Passions
Whenever you discover a new passion, there is always a honeymoon period. You try to get your hands on any book you can to learn about your new endeavor. You can’t sleep at night wishing you could have spent more time working on your newest project. You love telling everyone you meet about the latest thing you are working on. But at some point the newness wears off and you get in a rut.
This happened to me with blogging. I was so excited about my latest passion that I took photography classes to take better photos. I bought books to learn about social media and running a business. I tried to meet as many bloggers as I could to gain experience and find people that inspired me. But I wore myself out. And now that’ve experience that feeling of being overwhelmed by something I once loved dearly, I have a few tips on how to avoid burnout when pursuing your passions.
1. Remember why you fell in love with your passion in the first place – What were the very first things that drew you to what you love to do? Make a list that you can refer back to.
2. Stop comparing yourself to others – I know that I get overwhelmed quickly when I’m trying to measure myself to others because I am constantly feeling like I’m not good enough.
3. Celebrate your accomplishments – If you feel like you’re not getting anywhere with your goals, take step back and remind yourself of the things you have accomplished. Congratulate yourself for your success.
4. Take A Break – When in doubt take some time away from your work to allow yourself to come back fresh.
What do you do to avoid burnout with your passions?
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