Please welcome back my contributor Rebecca from Rebecca Chapman as she shares tips for How to Handle Stress at Work!
Many of us are not strangers to stress at work. It may not be constant, but it seems like there are times throughout the year where stress just piles up. It’s easy to get overwhelmed or frustrated, but there are also some quick and easy way to handle stress at work.
Be Sure To Get A Good Night’s Sleep
Nothing fuels a stressful situation like being tired. It’s tempting to want to stay up late to get more work done when there’s a lot on your plate, but it’s so important to get enough rest. Set a time for yourself each night to be done with any work related activities and make it a priority to go to bed at regular time. You may think you’re getting more work done by staying up late, but you may just be making yourself less productive for the next day.
Make A List Of Your Priorities For The Day
It’s crucial to make a list of everything you have to get done for the day, but also, it’s important to prioritize that list. Each day won’t necessarily allow enough time to get to the bottom of your to-do list, so be sure you know what are the most important items to get done first. Getting those items of the highest priority done early will keep you from dwelling on needing to get them done all day long.
Schedule Out A Time For Emails
It’s easy to make a list of the items you want to get done and then end up being distracted most of the day by incoming emails. Set a time to answer all of your emails at once and you will have more focused time throughout the day for the tasks you already have planned. Turn email notifications off or set filters so only emails from select people come through to your inbox and the rest of your emails get sent to folders that can be checked later. This is a good way not to miss important urgent emails from your boss while ignoring the emails about cookies in the break room.
Take Your Lunch Break
Some days there can be so much to do that’s it’s easy to eat lunch at your desk while trying to get more done. However, your lunch break is so important. Get out of the office and give yourself a mental break. Take yourself to lunch at a favorite restaurant. Schedule a 30-min massage or a pedicure and give yourself time to unwind. You will feel so much more refreshed when you get back to the office after your break.
How do you deal with stress in your work environment?

Great tips! I need to get better about stepping away for my lunch break. I have a bad habit of sitting at my desk most days!
Completely agree with setting aside a time for email. It can become so time consuming and all consuming!