Today I’m sharing What I’m Reading in August as well as a few other favorites!
Reading is one of my favorite things. I don’t always make enough time for it, but lately I have been trying to make more time for reading. It’s a lot easier when I’m on vacation, because when I come home I can get slammed with other responsibilities and not get to spend any time reading a good book.
In my quest to set aside time to read, I was really excited when I discovered Thrift Books. Books can be pricey, especially if you’re only going to read it once (side note: I like to re read books). I loved the idea of being able to buy second hand books at a great price. There were a few books that I had been wanting to buy for awhile but hadn’t gotten around to. I was excited when I found Thrift Books and they had the books I was wanted to read plus free shipping on orders of $10 or more and a $5 off coupon for every $50 you spend on books. Today I wanted to tell you what I’m reading right now along with a few favorites.
– Redemption by Karen Kingsbury– Karen Kingsbury is my favorite author and I love the Baxter Family Series. This is the first book in the series, which I for some reason didn’t have on my shelf. So I had to pick it up because it’s been a few years and I’m about ready to re-read this series.
– My Reality by Melissa Rycroft– And on the complete other end of the spectrum of books I had to pick up this book by Melissa Rycroft. I loved her during her time on the Bachelor and Dancing With the Stars and I’d been really wanting to check out her book. It’s an easy breezy read and I enjoyed hearing more about being inside the world of the Bachelor.
– Dog Sense by John Bradshaw– I’ve been looking for some books about dogs and dog training because I want to know how to better understand and work with my dogs. I’d read about this one awhile back and finally picked it up.
– How to Behave So Your Dog Behaves by Sophia Yin- On that same note, I picked up this book as well. I’ve said it before, but I love research, so this for me will be very interesting once I get in that dog training research mode! Dolly read ahead and will be ready!
– Paradise Valley by Dale Cramer– This is a really easy read, it’s the first in an Amish series and I really enjoyed it last year on my beach trip. I’m fascinated by the Amish life and always enjoy a good Amish book series.
– Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers– I have not read this book in years but I really want to re-read it. It’s one of my favorites and such a good story!
– Delirium by Lauren Oliver– If you enjoy the YA books like the Hunger Games or Divergent then you’ll really enjoy the Delirium series. I flew through it this summer and really wish they were making a movie based on it!
– Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte– I had to include a classic in this list. Although it took me forever to get through this book I really enjoyed the story. It’s a classic that everyone needs to read at least once!
What’s on your reading list this month? I’m always looking for great new suggestions!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

These look like great books for summer reading!