Today I’ve got 4 Things to Consider When Starting a Blog or Small Business!
Awhile back we talked about Tips for Naming Your Blog. Today I wanted to talk about things to consider when starting a blog or small business. If you’re starting your blog or small business with the intent to make money from it, then you need to think about these things ahead of time rather than diving head first into it then realizing you should have thought of these things beforehand. Name.Kitchen sponsored today’s post but all opinions are my own.
1. Are you passionate about what you do?– Starting a small business or blog of any kind is hard work. And the first thing you need to consider is if you’re passionate about what you’re doing. If I have a love for sharing recipes but I start a blog about technology, which I am not passionate about, then my readers are going to be able to tell. Through your writing and sharing of different things, your readers will be able to tell if you are passionate about what you’re doing or just attempting to cash in a paycheck. Readers look for authenticity, so be authentic and focus on what you’re passionate about.
2. Consider if your name and item/blog will be unique– This goes alongside the tips for naming your blog but you want to make sure you are memorable! The brands that we remember the most are the ones with unique names, or the catchy commercials, or the tag lines that stick with you. A great way to stand out is by using Name.Kitchen for your blog/business name. Name.Kitchen has some great tips and inspiration to help you jump start the name brainstorming!
3. Do you have something of value to offer?- No one goes and visits a blog or a small business without looking for something they need. You might be looking for a good read, a delicious recipe or to purchase a specific item. So make sure that whatever you plan to offer to your readers/consumers will be something of value to them. In order to keep them coming back, this is vital!
4. Do you have the time to invest?– If you’re starting something up while still working a full time job, then you have to consider if you really have the time to invest in it. If you’re looking for quick growth, it may be harder when you can’t devote to it full time. I was fortunate that when I really wanted to start growing my blog and turning it into a business that I was staying at home at the time, so I was able to completely throw myself into it.
These are just four things to consider when starting up a small business or blog. Name.Kitchen has so many great options to make your business name unique. One of my favorite stories is of Amici Catering in Arizona and how they got their start in the catering business. I love that they chose to shorten their website address to just It’s so unique and immediately let’s people know what they can do for them. If you want to read a full interview with them or just droll over their menu then head here for that! While you do that I’ll just be wishing I lived in Arizona so I could try some of their delicious looking food!
What are some things you would consider before starting a blog or small business? Or maybe you already have and can share from your experience! I’d love to hear and hear which Name.Kitchen option you would choose for your business?
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Name.Kitchen.
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