My contributor Rebecca has some great ideas on How to Celebrate Halloween on a Budget!
My husband and I love Halloween, but we are also currently buying our first home. Because all the costs associated with moving and buying a home are making our finances tight, we have come up with a few ways to celebrate Halloween on a budget.
1. Costume Swap
Instead of overspending at a Halloween shop to get a new costume that you will only wear once, consider asking a friend if you can borrow the costume that they wore last year. Most likely they don’t want to wear it again this year and they would be happy to swap you for any costume items that you might own.
2. Reuse and Recycle
If you get really creative, you can come up with a pretty cool costume with items you already own. Last year I dressed up as Eliot and ET from ET and reused a red sweatshirt I already owned. The only thing new I needed for my costume was a shopping basket, and I “borrowed” one of those. Hello free costume!
3. Procrastinate On Purpose
Halloween candy and decorations usually go on sale the day of Halloween. While it might be very last minute to buy your party supplies then, it will usually save you a ton of money.
4. Get Crafty
Decorations from a party store can get pretty pricey. Opt instead to make your own decorations with inexpensive craft supplies or items lying around your home. I’ve even found some pretty spooky decorations at thrift stores for a steal!
5. Skip the night out
While it may be more exciting to get all dressed up and head to a party, sometimes it’s just as fun to have a night in. Rent a scary movie or two, order a pizza, and you’ll still be spending less than you would if you went out to bar or restaurant and got an expensive costume.
What do you do to save money on Halloween?
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What a great post! I almost never buy an entire costume. I always use what I have and then maybe add pieces here and there from thrift stores or Walmart. I also stock up on decorations after Halloween for the next year. I actually do this with like every holiday. It’s so much cheaper and then I get excited when I pull it out the next year because I’d forgotten I bought it!