My contributor Rebecca from Rebecca Chapman is talking about The Importance of Adventures with your Spouse
This past weekend, my husband and I went off-roading in his new truck for the first time. Mind you, I’d much rather spend a day inside reading a book on the couch than doing anything outdoors, but my husband loves nature and adventure, so I obliged. We had such a blast getting lost and trying to find paths off the map that hadn’t been driven before. It made me realize several reasons why going on adventures with your spouse is so important.
It allows the conversation to change
If you see your spouse every day, at some point, they know most everything going on in your life and you conversations can see repetitive. I read a funny tweet the other day that said “marriage is just texting each other ‘Do we need anything from the grocery store?’ a bunch of times until one of you dies.” That tweet may be a cynical exaggeration, but there is a bit of truth behind it. If all you’re talking about is the day to day hum drum of life, at some point you are going to feel bored. Adventure gives you and your spouse something new to talk about. It puts you in situations you’ve never been before and suddenly you are talking about different topics. .
It gives you fond memories to look back on
I love making memories with my husband. I love having photos of fun times that we’ve had. If you don’t adventure out of your normal routine with your spouse, you won’t have those moments to reminisce on or those awesome photo opportunities. .
It gets you out of your comfort zone
I tend to be scared and hesitant about trying new things. My husband pushes me out of that place. If I know that there’s something fun that he would enjoy, even if it scares me a little, I’m more likely to try it for him. Most of time, once I get myself over my fears of the unknown, I’m really happy that I tried something new. .
It teaches you compromise
Unless you and your spouse are exactly alike, there will be times when one of you wants to go somewhere or do something more than the other one. Making adventuring a priority will lead you to compromise freely with your spouse on the weekend schedule. .
Have you been on any fun adventures lately? .
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