Start your morning off right with these Tips for a Productive Morning
I’ve never been much of a morning person. Getting started in the mornings is hard for me but I have found that when I work to start my morning off productively I end up having a more productive day. That has been really important for me especially since I started working from home. So today I wanted to share a few things that help me have a productive morning.
- Eat Breakfast– The first thing I do when I get up is to eat breakfast. I have to have breakfast before I can get moving in the morning and I’m pretty sure breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. As the days get busier, especially once our baby girl arrives, having a quick but nutritious breakfast is so important. I loved trying out the new Nature Valley cereals. I picked up the Honey Oat Clusters and Baked Oat Bites. The Baked Oat Bites were my favorite and the Honey Oat Clusters will be for Tyler. They are a great source of protein and a delicious and filling way to start your day.
- Check my email– I check my email pretty early on in the morning to make sure I don’t have anything to get to right away. Especially if I have any deadlines that day I want to make sure everything is coming together and set to go.
- Make a To Do List– This has become vital to me lately because pregnancy brain is no joke. So as I’m putting my breakfast together or eating it, I jot down anything I think of that needs to be done. Whether it’s blog related or just do laundry, I will easily get distracted and forget stuff, so a to do list is vital to the productivity of my day.
- Take time for myself– I always make sure to take some time for myself in the morning before I get into the craziness of the day. For me this is doing my quiet time and having some prayer time. It really helps me to start my day right and be focused before I dive into my to do list.
- Prioritize My Day– Once my to do list is done and I’ve had my time for myself then I sit down and look at my to do list. I take stock of everything that needs to get done then prioritize it so I make sure the most important things are getting done first and those that can wait well wait. Otherwise I have a tendency to throw myself into small tasks that aren’t necessarily the things that need to be done first.
So I would love to hear what helps you have a productive morning? And also have you tried the Nature Valley Cereals? If so which one is your favorite? You can get yourself a $1.00 off coupon to try out the new cereals or pick up your favorite!

LOVE this cereal! I just tried it for the first time this week actually and love it. So far I have just tried the Baked Oat Bites, but I also purchased the chocolate one too. I found that it holds me over so much better than the cereal I was eating previously. I am excited about the coupon too, so I can save on another box as well.
Also, the tips for a productive morning were great. I now work earlier in the day than ever before, and it has been quite the adjustment. As a long-time natural night-owl, I think I may need to incorporate a couple more of these tips in to get going even stronger in the morning.