Work from home? My contributor Charlene has 15 Tips for Staying Focused While Working From Home!
Working from home can be difficult at times. As I’ve mentioned here before, I am a Junior Developer for an accounting software company and I’m also a blogger. Both of these jobs I do from my home office. The software company is based in Atlanta, Georgia and I was very blessed that they wanted to keep me on to work remote when my husband and I moved to Ohio almost 4 years ago.
I am an introvert and don’t need a whole lot of human interaction to be happy. Also, I’m a southerner at heart and hate the winter weather here in Ohio. So most days, I am very thankful for my job and being able to work from home and not having to leave the house. But I would be lying if I said it didn’t come with its challenges. Namely, the challenge of staying focused. So I decided to give you some tips to make it a little easier today!
- Get up when your alarm goes off no matter what
- Make coffee the night before
- Change out of your pajamas
- Shower!
- Leave your phone in the other room
- Keep your space clean and organized
- Listen to non-lyric music
- Drink lots of water
- Use the StayFocused chrome extension
- Sit on an exercise ball
- Schedule your day
- Make your office space inspirational
- Light a candle
- Get out once in a while
- Take a break
So what do you think? Do you struggle to focus when you work from home? What tips could you add to my list?
Thanks for reading!
Christine says
I use relaxation music even when I’m in the office. It really helps me focus especially when I’m trying to block out the sounds of my office neighbors. It’s the best!
Charlene Maugeri says
Yes! Whenever I’m in the office (every couple months) I have to listen to music to drown out my coworkers too!