If you know me then you know I am a bit of TV junkie. I love my tv shows. When I saw the post She Turned Her Dreams Into Plans did about her favorite shows of this season I thought I would follow suit. I would love to hear what shows y’all like and see which one’s we have in common? So here are some of my top favorites starting with my favorite to less favorites.
1. The Vampire Diaries– Yes it’s on the CW and yes it’s about vampires. But once you get past the first half of the pilot episode it’s no Twilight. I started watching this show my last semester in college because it is filmed literally 10 minutes from my Grandma’s house. I’ve gotten my husband hooked and two of my best friends. And my Grandma and I set off on a mission to stalk the filming and well yes this happened.
That’s me in total star struck, is this really happening, OMG look who is hugging me mind set. If you’re not familiar with Vampire Diaries then maybe you saw him on a little show called Lost? Ian Somerhalder. Yes I met him along with 3 other stars of the show. It was pretty cool, but that’s another story for another day.
2. Castle (Tyler’s #1 pick)– I love this show. Beckett and Castle are finally in love and well I’m happy. But of course there is drama coming. I can’t wait to see what happens this season. And yes I watch most crime dramas for the love story, if there isn’t one then I’m generally not interested. Oh and who else is so glad that Beckett grew out her hair from the first season?
3. Bones– Booth and Bones have drama. Rumors of a wedding. It’s been on for a long time and I say keep it coming. I love watching this show. It’s still funny and dramatic, oh yeah and they solve murders.
4. Pretty Little Liars– Yes I watch this and yes I try and try to figure out who A is? They wear things no high schooler is allowed to wear at school. They are in and out of classes. It’s hilariously unreal but so dramatic. It had it’s mid-season finale last night and my husband was so kind to cook dinner and let me watch it. You can ask him, I screamed when the very dramatic ending came.
5. Revenge– The first season of this show was amazing. The second season hit quite the slump but it seriously bounced back at the end of the season. And next season looks to be just as good and hopefully better! I’m Team Emily and Aidan all the way!
6. Rookie Blue– This is a summer show that is on right now. It’s so good! I always get excited come May when it’s coming back!
7. Blue Bloods– I love Tom Selleck. I love this show. It’s about family, NYC, police officers and it’s a really good show.
8. The Big Bang Theory– Ah a comedy. Yes we watch these. I get more into the dramatic shows but I love the Big Bang Theory too. It’s hilarious.
9. Parenthood– I was so relieved when they renewed this show. I feel like it is always hanging on the edge of being cancelled. I’m not sure why people don’t see how great it is! It’s on Netflix and you should really watch it. You will laugh and cry.
10. Nashville– I’m giving spot #10 to my favorite new show last season, I think. I feel like I’m forgetting something and my husband will most likely remind me of it. This show I hung on with it hoping it would get better and it really did about halfway through the season! It ended dramatically and I am excited for the next season!
So this is only top 10. Obviously as a TV junkie I have many other shows I could add to this list. I could also make a list of shows that ended too soon. Maybe one day. What do you think? What shows are you most excited to see again this fall?

I’m sure you saw my comment about the Vampire Diaries on Facebook, but I also had to add, that is so cool that you got to meet Ian Somerhalder! (I know him from Lost). I also really like the show Parenthood, but my husband hates it so I only watch it sometimes on Netflix, lol
Yeah it was pretty cool! He was really nice! I love Parenthood but my husband doesn’t like it either haha!
Hooray for DVRs! I love TV, but I am rarely home to watch it or busy doing laundry or something lame like that when the shows are actually on. The one show I watch live and don’t ever, ever miss is Castle. I love that show! They crack me up, but there is so much more than that. The stories are great. And yes, he “really is ruggedly handsome.” I’m still a big Bones fan, but have no idea what night it actually comes on. Big Bang Theory is my “happy place”. I go there whenever I need a pick-me-up. They never fail to make me laugh out loud.
Castle is one of my absolute favorites!! I can’t wait for fall tv to return!
I am sooooo addicted to Pretty Little Liars! Now….parenthood – I used to LOVE! Then a few seasons ago…I missed a few episodes and realized that I didn’t miss watching. I tried to get back into it but the characters seemed to lose some magic for me. I HATE to admit that Big Brother is my guilty pleasure this year. I have trash talked this sow for years!
I love Pretty Little Liars so much. It’s crazy good. Parenthood was really good the end of last season so I am relieved it is coming back. I’ve never watched Big Brother before but I’ve heard a lot of people talking about it lately.
Oh my gosh, I’m such a TV junkie, too. I live by my DVR. I tape shows all week and then Friday night when the hubbs and the bubbs go to bed, it’s date night with the DVR. You nailed 2 of my favorites: Revenge and Nashville. However, I did not finish Revenge Season 1 until season 2 was almost over, so I’m just now watching it (since it just became available on Netflix). I cannot get enough of it! Not a Grey’s Anatomy fan, then?
I love Revenge! You know I used to be a Grey’s fan but it just makes me too much of a hypochondriac watching it all the time. I tend to read spoilers and occasionally catch a season finale or opener to keep up with it a little. I stopped watching it but kept up with Private Practice until they cancelled it. Did you watch PP?
I LOVE Blue Bloods and Parenthood. I’m so glad both shows are coming back!
Me too!!! Blue Bloods was so good this past season, I got my husband into it too and we look forward to it every Friday night!
YES! I LOVE most of those! You have good taste! This is totally getting me ready for it all to start up in Sept!
I wrote about Parenthood here – and my LOVE of all things Fall!
Thanks for the great post!
Thank you! Yeah I can’t wait! I’ve got to write down all the premiere dates so I can be ready. I will check out your post!
you forgot one the dynamics of the characters of criminal minds love it. I love your list and big congrats on meeting Ian Somerhalder found you through my girlist whim hop have a great day
Oh yes I love Criminal Minds as well. I usually watch reruns but I can’t remember if I am caught up or not. Thank you for coming by the blog!
I love Bones and Castle! They are my favorites I think of all of the shows I watch. Thanks for linking up at the Friday Follow Along!
I agree. I can’t wait for their return!!
Thanks for sharing