Once your blog is set up the next step is Setting up Social Media for your Blog!
Now that you’ve started your blog and gotten your design figured out it’s time to turn to a driving force behind many blogs traffic, social media. Depending on your niche a lot of your traffic will be coming from social media. For me this is true so I wanted to tell you about the main social media sites and how to get started with them. You’ll want to sign up with the same username for all of these accounts. For example mine is LovePastaBlog. I highly recommend using the same username to promote continuity and to keep your brand recognizable. Also make sure that your username relates to your blog so people know it’s you tweeting or sharing!
Pinterest– Pinterest is the #1 source of traffic for my blog. In order to make Pinterest work for your blog you’ll want to get your website verified, switch your account to a business account and get signed up for rich pins.
Facebook– A lot of the algorithms for Facebook have changed in the past year or so which has made it harder for bloggers using Facebook. But brands will still want to see that you have an active Facebook Page. You can set up a page for your blog when you’re signed in with your personal profile but it will be separate.
Twitter– Twitter is so fast paced that you can share a lot on there and using hashtags will help your content get discovered. You’ll want to make a Twitter account for your blog. Twitter is a great and easy way to connect with brands, tweet about your favorite brands and you just never know if you might hear back from them! You can also make lists on Twittter to keep track of different bloggers or brands and more easily see what they’re saying.
Instagram– This is one social media site that is becoming very popular among brands so you’ll want an Instagram page devoted to your blog. You’ll want to post high quality pictures to work to grow your following. You can read a few tips for growing your Instagram page here.
Google+– This is one social media site where I am not doing it right, so I’ve heard. There are Google+ personal pages and business pages. I use my personal page which doesn’t give me the ability to schedule out posts to Google+. But since I’ve grown that page I’m not wanting to switch over. But start right with Google+ and create a business page to get things rolling.
There are always new social media sites popping up here and there and people will run to them but these five seem to have the biggest impact on your blog and on working with brands if that’s a goal of yours. I’m definitely more comfortable using certain social media sites rather than others but I’m constantly on the lookout for blog posts to help me improve on using other sites!
Bonus Tip: Bloglovin- While Bloglovin is not necessarily a social site it is a simple way for people to follow you and all of their blogs. And a bonus to Bloglovin is once your set up it’s not something you have to continually update. It’s constantly pulling the new posts from your site for your readers to see!
I’d love to hear what your favorite social media site is to promote your blog? Is there one you’re going to set up right now?
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